Our Services


Our parkingboys services, specialized in smooth and efficient parking management, enhance the overall experience for particip...


Fluxology offers various mobility solutions. Based on the size of your event and the number of guests....


In order to guide your guests effectively, good signage is crucial. We also guarantee a correct construction of queues and a ...

Parking Tickets & Booking

Fluxology assists organisers from A to Z. We are involved from the preparation phase onwards and actively participate in carr...

Building & Creating Parking

Indoor or outdoor activities? We handle the mobility without any problems. Our team will work out the ideal mobility plan for...


Signalization, walkies, alcohol testing, Fluxology has it all. You can contact us to rent the necessary equipment....

They trusted us
About Us

Discover more about our work

Fluxology was founded in 2010 and specializes in mobility.

We have more than 10 years of experience in the field of mobility for events.

We often design challenging mobility and signage plans that we bring to life with our experienced crew.
We advise organizers as concretely as possible and provide them with customized mobility solutions.
Our team is always ready to manage the mobility in a professional way.

Discover our latest achievements
Proud mobility partner of...
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